Why to Plan a Take Your Kids to Work Day | Handleforme

Know also as, Bring Your Child to Office Day or Take Our Kids to Work Day is a tradition that some companies and even some cities and states adopt. With this event, children of different ages spend a day at the workplace of a parent, relative, or friend of a parent. It is an excellent opportunity for kids to see adults, how they spend their time at work, and witness the world of work.

This event is essential for children that being smart is something to be proud of, not hide. It also enables early career planning, informing students about their future goals and wishes. Parents can share their time with them at work; to show where they work, how they work, and how important things they are doing for their company. So they can also discuss career prospects with their children.


Seeing different adults from different nations with successful careers supports the idea of inclusion for children. Seeing people of different races, genders, or ages can be a very flourishing experience for children, and it will prove the value of education no matter who they are.

Bring Your Child to Office Day is also beneficial for employees to learn about their colleagues and their families. They will feel closer to each other, understanding other aspects of their work friends. This makes the teams in the companies even more powerful, connected and successful in time. It is also possible to discuss some work-related subjects with children, to bring new ideas without any prejudice by children to improve things easier. Nobody expects kids to make business decisions, take calls or write e-mails. Still, it is important to involve them in the process as much as exciting and interactive.

On that day, interactions between adults and children are not all. There might be some activities for children to like work life more, and understand how their parents work. Some team-building activities might involve the children to make it more fun. The day should be memorable for children by paying full attention to them. To involve the children to the process, there might be planned games to show how adults work in a funnier way. Even putting things to entertain the children during a long day is suggested. Still, explaining that it is special for them, it is not every day.


Yes, they are kids, so they will not go to the kitchen or cafeteria to have some coffee or the food adults usually consume. It’s essential to bring something healthy and attractive to the children to eat and drink. Some catering options should be arranged from before for the children, even also for adults to make it attractive for employees too, to attend.

As Handleforme, we can help organize the day for Bring Your Child to Office with planning, games, activities, entertainers, food, and beverages. Please get in touch with us for the details!

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